Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brilliant RepRap video (thanks to Emeka Okafor)

I am deeply indebted to Emeka Okafor, author of the Timbuktu Chronicles blog and director for the TEDGlobal 2007 conference in Tanzania, for stumbling across this brilliant Poptech video of Professor Adrian Bowyer, the inventor of the RepRap fabber. I would also like to thank Mr. Okafor for giving attribution to my nanotechnology blog, and call attention to his postings on technologies that can help Africa and other developing regions. There is an Emeka Okafor who plays basketball, I'm not sure if it's the same guy.

Bowyer talks about the economics behind the project, particularly its ability to empower communities that are now economically depressed. There is some yummy game-theory stuff in the paper linked here that does not get mentioned in the video, check it out. He also talks about using polylactic acid (wikipedia) as a printing material for the RepRap. This is significant because you can make PLA from starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, and when you're finished using your PLA object, you can compost it to help grow next year's crop of starchy vegetables. You can have a closed-loop local manufacturing economy that doesn't require trucks or trains or ships to move products around. In fact there are several materials under consideration, and thought has been given to printing a single product from multiple materials. The Fab@Home folks also have an impressive list of materials that can be fabbed, including chocolate.

I got curious about PLA and did a little googling. In a RepRap forum there is a discussion of just how easy it is to turn starchy vegetables into PLA. From the sound of it, it is non-trivial and demands that the person attempting it be quite knowledgeable. One person compares "home PLA production today to home biodesiel production 20 years ago, when it was arcane, a little dangerous, and rare, but theoretically possible" and notes that for many people it will simply not be economical compared to mail-ordering some PLA. I found a place that sells utensils, plates, and cups made from PLA. NatureWorks appears to be a source for PLA in ready-to-work form.

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